Weishardt's CSR and Quality commitments

CSR and Quality is in our DNA at Weishardt. We are committed to sustainable development every day and do our best to provide quality products to our partners.

Our CSR commitments

At Weishardt, we are committed to respecting the planet, and we carry out various initiatives on a daily basis to reduce our impact on the environment:

  • 20% of the Group’s investments are dedicated to reducing our impact on the environment.
  • We reduced our electricity and water consumption between 2019 and 2020, by 16% and 9% respectively.
  • Our non-renewable energy consumption was reduced by 13% between 2014 and 2020.
  • We reduced our carbon footprint by 11% between 2006 and 2019, despite increases in our production volumes.
  • We play an active role in the circular economy: the waste from our wastewater treatment plant at our Graulhet site is used in composting for the production of fertilizer or in methanization to produce energy at the Trifyl waste treatment site, located 4 km away. In addition, we are planning to use energy from a SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) boiler to optimize our resource management by transforming waste into energy.
  • In the same vein of resource management, more than 95% of the waste from our Graulhet site is recycled or recovered.
  • Our commitment to sustainable development also applies to Naticol®, which is our range of marine collagen peptides of natural origin. Their production is based on an upcycling process: we use fish skins, which are by-products of filleting factories not otherwise used, to design an enhanced product used in food supplements.
  • In addition, Naticol® comes from a sustainable sourcing. Thanks to its marine origin, it production emits fewer greenhouse gases compared to other types of collagen. And to protect the marine ecosystem, the fish used are both farmed and wild. Moreover, the species are diversified and come from various geographical areas which limits the impact on each fishing zone.
  • The Naticol® range is available with the Friend of the Sea® certification, a sustainability label.

Our quality commitments

Quality is a real pillar of Weishardt’s business. Our quality, traceability and food safety requirements are applied at every stage of production, from the selection of raw materials to the finished product.

We are certified ISO 9001 and FSSC 22000.

ISO 9001 certificates:
All our production sites are ISO 9001 certified. We thus ensure an effective management of quality and have a dynamic of constant improvement.

FSSC 22000 certificates
All our production units are FSSC 22000 certified. Thanks to this standard, recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative, we guarantee an irreproachable level of hygiene and food safety.

Our social commitments

Our social commitments start within our team. At Weishardt, we maintain a strong corporate culture with social values and a respect of ethics:

  • We are attentive to the diversity of the recruited profiles (age, sex/gender, culture…)
  • A Health and Safety Commission is in place with the objective of improving the working conditions of all employees and encouraging compliance with safety and hygiene procedures.
  • We adopt an attractive remuneration policy and provide numerous social benefits.
  • Weishardt is a member of Sedex, a global organization dedicated to the promotion of ethical business practices. All our factories are audited based on the Sedex-SMETA standard.
  • We take the time to recognize the work of our employees: medals are awarded to employees (20, 30, 35, 40 years of service at Weishardt) during festive ceremonies organized every 5 years.
  • These actions have enabled Weishardt to be ranked among the top 20% of CSR performers according to the EcoVadis standard.

And externally
Outside the company, we also carry out social endeavours:

  • We encourage local sports by supporting:
    – Sporting Club Graulhétois (the historical rugby club of Graulhet)
    – But also professional athletes: Maxime Valet (Paralympic fencing champion), Célia Perron (French Heptathlon champion), Hugo Corbillé (participant in the gliding world championships), and many others…

  • We work to help the cultural development of the area by supporting the Graulhet Fanfare Battery Orchestra and the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum in Albi.

Are our commitments in line with your company’s values? Do not hesitate to contact us to collaborate.

This website is not intended for consumers. It is intended for professionals only.
Naticol® is an ingredient intended to be integrated into a finished product. The claims mentioned on this site apply to the ingredient Naticol only and may not comply with EC Regulation No. 1924/2006 or other provisions in force on products intended for the consumer.